Caregiving Guru Joan Gray with Truths on How Love Works

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Caregiving guru Joan Gray with truths on how love works

Joan Gray last spoke with us about caregiving that counts through strengthening people at a point that might be their weakest. As an afterthought she mentioned writing a love letter to people who are not at their most lovable through no fault of their own, so it seemed like a good idea to have Joan come back to talk about just that. And, was it ever! A good idea, that is.

You can bet that Joan knows how to get through the challenge of being assaulted by anger born of fear and illness. Queen of empathy that she is, because she knows hot to stop, assess and listen, she knows how to answer. Every sentence of hers is some effortless teaching that comes from her personal experience and earned wisdom.

Listen to her talk about having to love someone from a distance, herself included, because she knows everyone has his or her moments. She has a rare and authoritative handle on human behavior, amends, acceptance, pointing fingers at others. And she tells truths you may not hear elsewhere, like on California manners, racism, dating, romantic relationships, setting boundaries, expectations, personal growth, men, grief, common courtesy, her own marriage at the age of 51 and what made that work, and the passing of her mother and husband within 4 days of each other.

Following Joan through the connected moments of her life is to know how healing and fun the truth can be. She is, in her own three words, “not a pretender.” She is, in one word, great.

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