Naomi Rayman’s Hard to Believe Tale of Havoc Caused By Letters Going to the Wrong People

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Naomi Rayman, author of the blog Writes Better With Coffee
Naomi Rayman, author of the blog Writes Better With Coffee

How many of us have hit the send button without realizing the wrong name is in the “to” box, or hit “reply all” when we meant to send a private message to the sender? Wrenching for sure. But when a love letter meant for a new wife goes to the mother and the mother’s letter goes to that new wife, well, that is trouble of a whole other dimension.

Naomi Rayman, author of the exceptional blog “Writes Better With Coffee” tells just such a story complicated further by family secrets that were blared and bared by this mistake with no apparent resolution. If you heard Naomi’s last Love Letters Live you know that she is a reservoir of an exceptional family history that holds more than this particular family secret. I am stifling my spoiler-instinct to tell you what was revealed, so just listen to Naomi tell this tale of a mix-up with her usual candor and wit.

Love letters? Don’t miss this one to her granddaughter to see a fabulous example of a love letter carrying important historical information that is gold now and a researchers dream in generations to come.

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