Sean Sidi’s Mother Talks About Her Missing Son and the Hope for His Return Home

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The love note Sean gave his mother a few days before he left home to visit his teacher.

The Sidi family has been looking for their son Sean since May 21stwhen he left home to visit a teacher near Golden Gate Park and never came home. The card he made for his mother this past Mother’s Day, only a few days before his disappearance  is filled with the love and gratitude that filled his heart. Sean’s disappearance is complicated by the fact that he is a survivor of a three story fall that crushed his skull, and he is still in a medically fragile condition. Listen to his mother Lynn Ching talk about Sean, not the missing person, but the living and loved son brother and friend who is lost and may not know where he is or who he is. Lynn talks about the son she wants home, the boy she misses every day. He will not know how to ask for help. He needs ours. He needs us to call his name, take him by the hand and take him to a hospital so he can get home.

Sean Sidi, with braces, as he looked before May 21st.
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