Yellow Cab’s Jim Gillespie Answers, with Humor and Grace, Some Harsh Opinions About His Company

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San Francisco's Jim Gillespie, president and general manager of Yellow Cab
San Francisco’s Jim Gillespie, president and general manager of Yellow Cab

Jim Gillespie, president and general manager of Yellow Cab used to drive a cab in San Francisco. As did is father, so Jim has solid second-generation understanding of good manners and the need for human response over automated answering systems that leave people feeling abandoned and angry. Translate that to gracious people answering calls.

As it now stands, when a person who called a cab does not answer the phone that signals its arrival somewhere outside, Jim knows that assuming no one is home is not acceptable. He wants to see that cab driver get out of the car and go ring the doorbell like “we always used to do.” And, yes, that gives the driver a chance to help an elderly person off the curb and into the car. He wants to see drivers show the respect of asking their riders if they have a preferred route to their destination. He wants to see a lot of improvements.

Jim talks, with affection and respect, about Yellow Cab, its history, who his drivers are, what it used to be, what it is now, what needs to be done to improve it, and what he intends to do about it. Jim is a man at ease with truth, never defensive, with no impulse to justify regretful behavior, eager to take responsibility and with a deep sense of the human kindness we all need to feel safe. You don’t find that everywhere today.

Jim Gillespie is in charge. You can see it in his face and hear it in his voice both of which carry strength and integrity. As for the love letter connection here? This one is so easy. He deserves them by the boatload.

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