Love letters to pets? Yes!!

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Is there anything quite like the jolt of happiness that comes with getting a new pet? Is there anything quite like the unconditional love that a pet can bring us? Probably not. When the day has gone not so well, when we are grieving, when we have been dumped by romance, when the job we wanted went to someone else, who is there to cuddle up to us with understanding and comfort? That’s right. Your pet.

For all he or she has done for you doesn’t that pet deserve a love letter? I say yes. When that letter comes in the mail to your darling loyal bundle of affection and you read it aloud, do you think that apple of your eye will know that letter is meant for him or her. Yes, indeed.

And, remember that horses, lizards, cows, sheep, and the list goes on are also four-legged; I do not want to leave any loving creature out here.

I was just reminded by a friend that when her children were young they had a series of pet rats that the whole family grew to love, so hooray to the rodents, lagomorphs (bunny rabbit family). Six and eight-legged pets. Probably.

And here is a perfect time to backpedal on that “four-legged” business, because there are the two-legged winged angels, the birds in our lives. What about the exquisite no-legged fish that cheer up your life, beautiful reptiles, yes, worms and snakes, too? Monkeys and kangaroos, should you need to know, are two-legged. I hope you will listen and be motivated.

Whichever non-homosapien creature enriches your life, whether it is your pet or someone else’s pet that you love, I say run for the pen and paper.

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