Marshall Mend with lessons that took him from dropout to epic success

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Good news! Marshall Mend is back. You remember Marshall Mend who, in the late 50s, dropped out of high school because of a philosophical difference with the principal and then went to work with his father in the butcher store. Marshall who soon went out on his own, and, thanks to his ability to listen carefully to his various mentors, went from being an ineffective salesman to being a brilliant one. Marshall Mend who found enormous success in his Los Angeles meat and seafood delivery business and was purveyor of goods to much of Hollywood. Marshall Mend for whom no door was ever closed. Marshall Mend who moved to Coeur D’Alene Idaho and found huge success in the real estate business. Marshall Mend who took on the North Idaho Aryan Nation, yes the neo-Nazi white-supremacists (book on this is Hate is My Neighbor).

Because Marshall Mend is, at his core, an enormously generous person, knows no limits and says there is no such thing as born to fail, he wants to pass on the words of wisdom that got him where he is today. His book, Words of Wisdom will be out soon, but here is a taste of what he has to say. Fearless, creative, as candid a person who ever walked this earth, and as unstoppable as that Duracell bunny. Marshall Mend. Listen to all his Love Letters Live episodes for a very good time!



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