Michele Musy finds past life relationship with high school sweetheart that had a tragic shocking end

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Contacting sweethearts from our past can be a challenge; locating them, gathering the courage it takes to call someone who was once an intimate part of your life, knowing that a suspicious gate-keeper wife may be the one to answer the phone and finding just the right tone of voice.

That challenge pails next to the task of contacting a sweetheart from your past life. But, Whoa Nellie (!) Michele Musy took the bull by the horns and dove right in with the help of a very talented therapist, who regressed her to a past life where she found a shocking relationship with her first sweetheart.

Just to be clear, Michele is one of the most solid citizens, a successful business woman, and a rational Stanford University graduate who never believed in past lives. Imagine how shocked she was.

What happened when she telephoned him recently to tell him about their past life relationship and the tragedy that ended it? The plot thickens step by step, and because I am at a loss as how to wrap my head around this story, I suggest you listen to Michele for yourself, because it was, as you might guess, outrageous, took great courage and with more than an echo of great comedy. Of course, watching Michele talk about it adds another layer when you see how mystified she was by this whole experience.

Her love letter? It will be a creative work of art to her soul-mate, her true present-day lover. Wherever he may be.

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