Nic Novicki actor, comedian and film producer adds to his work finding roles for people with disabilities

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Nic Novicki is known on six continents for his work as an actor, comedian and producer of several feature films, television pilots and web series, and through Armed Forces Entertainment has toured for the US troops. A few of his television roles include Boardwalk Empire, The Sopranos, The Good Doctor (give a click you’ll be happy you did) and the list goes on. And on. And on. You might think that all this would be enough, but no. Not for Nic who long ago founded and is still director of the Easterseals Disability Film Challenge. This is a far-reaching program through which he tackles inclusion in the film industry to make it possible for people with disabilities to find more film work both in front of and behind the camera. Frankly, his energy, generosity and enthusiasm for all he does makes me want to jump right on board and is doubtless part of his magic. You can’t help but cheer him on as he offers personal solutions for people with a variety of disabilities. He talks not only about the world of disability in film, but the very word “disability” itself, what it means and the rising power behind it.

And, yes, his wife is with him every step of the way. How they met is a stroke of romantic fate worth hearing. Best for you to listen to Nick yourself and also take a look at his Love Letters Live Youtube episode brought to you through Newclevelandradio– his story in his own voice carries the force that gets the job done.

Love letters? Of course. He writes them, he gets them. Find out to whom he will send his next one, and find out who sent him an astonishing one. It surprised me; maybe it will surprise you as well. But then, maybe not.

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