Noah Griffin newly elected member of Tiburon Town Council comes to this position well positioned for success

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The incomparable Noah Griffin (not a figure of speech here) has just been elected to the Tiburon Town Council. Although newly elected, he is no newcomer to Bay Area political life. He comes to this position with quite a history of accomplishment; a Harvard law degree, years of work with and for well-known and respected politicians including SF mayors and work on two presidential campaigns. He is the founder of the Cole Porter Society, singer, successful theatrical producer, talk show host and so much more.

The point is that Noah knows how the system works, knows people, knows what needs to be done to insure a well-run inclusive racist-free city, and is a good listener. The icing on the cake here is that he is a rational thinker with a poetic soul, and he cares what others think. Noah Griffin knows how to make a difference, knows how to make changes and knows what those changes should be.

Noah talks about life in politics, life in the Bay Area and what he says makes a good public servant. As a reliable resource  on political history from Ancient times to modern America, he offers some delicious lessons. I say do yourself a favor and listen to him. And/or take a look at the Youtube of Noah in action.

His love letter? Pluralize that. Hear what Noah has to say about local politics, America’s shamefully checkered past, what can be done to make significant improvements, what makes a good legislator (spoiler; how for into the future they  look) and who will get this slew of letters he plans to write.

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