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Sterling Mire knew by the time she was three years old that she had questions that would be answerable only by her own insights. This was the first step she took onto the path that led her from a successful acting and music career to guiding others onto their most constructive paths because she learned early in her life how to substitute her innate truths for the sadly cultural falsehoods handed down to her.

One thing led to another and eventually Sterling developed a system for herself to lead a life of love and courage versus fear. She learned to forgive those who had caught her in harmful relationships, and it did not take long for others to clamor for help using her AOM system.

Sterling has seen great success in helping people find greater peace and satisfaction as she lends what she has learned from her own sometimes chilling experiences. She knows that people need to clear the past to step into a healthier future. Her book is available through Amazon.

The love-letter connection here? Genius, really. Sterling has people write release-letters to 33 people of forgiveness to them and yourself. How to forgive one’s self is, alas, too often overlooked. Forgiveness, one of the most elegant forms of a love letter and one that requires some profound thought and planning.

Truth be told, Sterling brings more than her experience; she brings her innate charm and patience to the task. The beautiful open smile she aims at you is pure encouragement, and she has a look in her eye that says she knows what she is talking about. Easy to understand why she has a long and devoted client list.

Inner beauty and candor with a large helping of compassion shine through her every sentence. You can see it all here on Youtube. So worth it!

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