Terri Wong’s most uncommon pet a 5 year old cockatiel brings charming to a whole new level

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Snowball, Terri Wong’s 5 year old cockatiel, is as uncommon a creature as you could ever meet. If he has not seen Terri up and around by a certain morning hour she can hear him walking down the hall to her bedroom to wake her. Snowball is as satisfied as ever a bird can be with his own image. Yes, he knows he is a looker as you will see when you see how he loves staring at himself in a little heart-shaped mirror while perched on Terri’s shoulder where he spends a good part of his every day.

How does he express love? What does he like to eat? What has he learned from other birds? Does Snowball like jewelry?

Terri is a multi-level genius in the world of beauty; an astounding fashion designer who makes most all of her own clothing and, as if this was not enough perfection in one person, she is also an opera singer. Once in a while she sings with Snowball, and if on a very rare moment she hits a sour note, what Snowball does is scarcely credible. Birdbrain? A high compliment if ever there was one!

Terri has always had birds in her life and know that most birds are frightened by loud noises, but not Sunny her parakeet of long ago. He loved explosions, car chases and Star Trek phaser noises! He loved James Bond Films and The Fourth of July during which he would yell exuberantly, “Big boom. Big boom”. How he learned to like loud noises is a comical story in its own right.

To listen to Terri talk about her life with birds is a valuable lesson in love and communication. To see her in action with Snowball is a visual joy because if ever there is an incomparable visual treat it is Terri Dora Wong. Double the joy to see that beautiful Snowball on her shoulder.

Love Letters? There are so many possibilities with letters to pets, and because Terri is a wonderful letter writer there will no doubt be something of great value when she sits down to write to her birds. Get ready to lose your heart to a tiny feathered miracle.

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